Environmental Club Meeting

Erin DeBlanc

Are you interested in the EAGLE COMMUNITY GARDEN initiative?

Visit with TAMUT’s ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB Thursday, April 10th in room UC116 at 12:30, and share your thoughts.

Students will have the opportunity to influence local government, interact with other eco-friendly groups, and acquire new knowledge and skills pertinent to the field of environmental sciences and environmental communications.

Membership dues are only $5.00 and all proceeds will apply towards club events and philanthropic ventures.

For the first meeting, feel free to bring ideas for possible club logos.

We are also seeking potential members who are musicians that would be willing to play for an upcoming Earth Day event.

Please send inquiries related to the organization to erin.deblanc@ace.tamut.edu.

APRIL 10, 2014,

Overcoming Obstacles Together Organization

Trent Hines

Making a shifty move, you get past the first defender, you hurdle over the next and the path is clear. There is nothing but green grass in front of you. Running, you pass the 50, the 40, the 30, the 20, the 10, and just before you’re approaching the in-zone, the opposing team player, number 24, comes to try to stop you from your touchdown. You have two options. You can run through the obstacle, or you can let the obstacle stop you. In life there are two options, you can attack your obstacles head on or you can let them defeat you.

My organization is Overcoming Obstacles Together, or O.O.T, is a Texas A&M University-Texarkana club in which people come and talk about the obstacles they face. Attendants of O.O.T go through 5 stages, introduction, acknowledgement, encouragement, overcoming, and finally sustainability.

In the first stage, people who attend get to know each other through icebreakers, games, and simple conversations. This stage allows the people to get familiar with people and to be comfortable for the next stage which is the acknowledgement stage.

In the acknowledgement stage people have an opportunity to share to the group what they have experienced in life and how it has affected them. In this stage people will openly address the obstacle they are dealing with in life. Everyone will clap after each person has acknowledged an obstacle, providing encouragement and reassurance that they are not alone.

In the Encouragement stage, the most vital stage, people will have to encourage one another with high fives, hugs, words, and thumbs up, creating a positive and encouraging environment. There will be activities which will be competitive but everyone who is not participating will have to cheer on those who are, everyone will get a chance to compete.

Next is the overcoming stage, and in this stage people have to put action into removing their obstacle. For example if someone’s obstacle is drinking, than they must stop drinking. Everyone will be given an accountability partner and they will check up on each person periodically to make sure that each person is putting action into overcoming the obstacle.

Last is the sustainability stage, and in this stage people will become leaders and some people will assist and mentor anyone that had the same obstacle as they had and they would take them through all the phases. This stage will make a person be self-sustaining, since there are people that look up to them and that they are making a difference.

You have just run over number 24 for the touchdown and your team won the game. Overcoming Obstacles Together (O.O.T) will make people start to look at their obstacles optimistically and they will know that struggles in life are as big as you make them and they are small to the members of O.O.T so join today and have victory over all obstacles.

Agriculture on the Horizon

Amanda Bates

Agriculture on the Horizon: It is Time to Take Charge!

In 1862, after Congress approved the Morrill Act, which “Provided for donation of public land to the states for the purpose of funding higher education, whose leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and mechanical arts.” The roots of one of the most notable Universities, Texas A&M Texarkana, is being over looked today. Agriculture is plunging forward and leaving Texas A&M Texarkana behind.

Times have changed and will continue to change but agriculture will stand firm  because it is the basis for living. College in general provides such a thorough outlook on the business world, but this college does not offer the opportunity for students to look at the business world from an agricultural standpoint. Here is my proposal: This college has the resources, an envied location and reaches out to all student forms of life. We are located in a part of Texas that is surrounded by agriculture and by students and families who make their living or want to make their living from agriculture.  The college should at least give students the opportunity to take some agriculture courses and explore those areas of education in which this economy will soon thrive on. There are so many different courses that can be offered, such as: Agriculture Leadership, Farm Business, Animal Science and many more. The opportunities are endless. A collegiate FFA Chapter coupled with these agriculture courses, would ensure success and progress. Our ways of life in this community and the surrounding communities revolve around agriculture, it puts food on the table and clothes on our backs. Whether people realize it or not agriculture is the only thing that will provide life and a promising future for ourselves and our loved ones.

Students, we have the opportunity to excel and take the lead in this matter. Allowing students to take agriculture classes here at Texas A&M Texarkana will not only empower the passionate students to pursue an agricultural future, but will also sanction this community and the surrounding ones a hearty and healthy life. Let’s take a stand and address this urgent matter! If interested in helping or learning about this opportunity please contact Amanda Bates via e-mail at: CSO0809@gmail.com Hope to hear from you soon!