Dear Future Self

Dear Future Self,

The things that has happened in your past are permanent and there is nothing you can do about it. Stop dwelling on the things that can’t be changed! The only thing you can do now is too not make the same mistakes. You’ve pinned a lot of things to your bulletin board which is also your vision board, because Steve Harvey says that everyone should have one. I don’t know exactly where you’ll be in the next 10, 18, or 25 years but I hope you’re in place of peace and happiness in both your personal and career life. I mean, are you still going to Justin Bieber concerts, are you married, do you still have the same friends, did you ever go to grad school, did you ever purchase that all black jeep wrangler, and lastly did you ever find the courage to move out of Texas AKA the greatest state in America? I have so many questions, I hope someday you come back and read this and reflect on your current life. Right now, you’re a 23-year old college senior and is set to graduate in December 2017. I’m giving you some advice for the future, I know you’re stubborn but for once in your life just consider following at least one tip.

Here are the top ten things I would like to say to my future self.

1. Believe in Yourself: Remember why you got the word ‘believe’ tattooed on your wrist at 19-years old. Don’t ever forget this. Always believe in yourself and in your own abilities. During time of adversity is when you should trust yourself the most. Listen to your gut, everyone may not understand the decisions you make for yourself, that’s none of your business. You do what feels right. Because difficult roads can lead to an awesome destination.

2. You Belong: No matter what board room meeting you’re in, grad school, or television network you’re on, you belong to be there just as much as the person sitting next to you. You’re a hard worker and persevered through the tough times which is why you deserve a seat the table. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel less than. Trust me when I say there are going to be times when you feel like you’re not good enough and start doubting yourself, it is during those times that you must be your own super hero and not dwell on the things that are out of your control.

3. Don’t Compare Your Life to Other People: Okay, I want you to read this very carefully. ‘Don’t compare your life to other people.’ What you see on social media isn’t always a true reflection of a person’s life. According to Erving Goffman, a well-known sociologist that studied the self, describes social life to a performance. Goffman uses a theater type metaphor to explain how people present themselves. He pretty much says that we act different when we think we’re being watched “front stage” and is the complete opposite when we’re not being watched “back stage.” If you’ve ever been to a concert you know on stage everything is “perfect”, but backstage there it is probably a lot of chaos going on. What I’m trying to tell you is that everyone’s journey in life is different and the finish line is at a different place for us all. When the time is right for you to have something, you will have it. No matter what happens no one can stop something that was specially meant for you.

4. Try New Foods: You’ve been a picky eater your entire life. Still at 23-years old your go to food are cheeseburgers. Also, can you try to eating vegetables, I know they’re disgusting but they’re healthy for you and you want to live a long time. Also, start drinking more milk. I know you hate that too, but it’s good you. You don’t like trying new foods because you automatically think you’re not going to like it. Again, stop being a ‘know it all’ you won’t know until you try it. You won’t be young forever, so this fried food diet you have can’t last forever.

5. Accept the Word ‘NO’: Here’s another one that you might have to read a couple of times to fully process. On your way to success get used to hearing the word ‘NO.’ You’re going to be rejected from certain things a few times, that’s okay! One or a couple people’s ‘NO’ does not mean something wasn’t meant for you. At the time it might hurt, but eventually you’re going to have to get over it. You might not get accepted in grad school right away, or that television show you want to work for, guess what, it’s not the end of the world. All the ‘NO’s’ that you’re hearing only means you need more preparation for the thing you want. Keep working and when the time is right you’ll get it.

6. Travel, Travel, Travel: You’re young so travel at every chance you get. Stop waiting for other people to join you on the exciting excursion, if you have a place in mind that you want to visit to then go already. I think every good journalist should be multicultural. Go learn about all those places you’ve pinned to your visionboard, try the “weird” foods, and get used to being in unfamiliar places. Fill up an entire passport!

7. Do Things That Make You Happy: Through this journey called life don’t forget to enjoy yourself. Surround yourself with good people. No matter what your friends say you are really funny, even if you do tend to laugh at your own jokes. Although you’re not much of an outdoors person try to become one. Getting fresh air on the regular is an energy booster and will ultimately keep you in a good mood. Maybe you can go camping someday…maybe!

8. Relax: Right now, you don’t know what the future holds so you’re a little… well actually a lot anxious. Just Relax! Focus on the present moment, you’ll eventually get to your destination in due time. Everything will work out.

9. Outwork Everybody: This is a very important piece of advice. In anything you do be the first one there and the last to leave. Yes, they’re might be people smarter than you or even more experienced than you are. However, the thing that will set you apart from everyone else is your work ethic. This world is competitive, if you want a seat at the table you have to fight for it. The thing that is going to get you to the top is perseverance. I remember hearing former first lady Michelle Obama say, “You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Instead it’s important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is your biggest advantage.

10. Go to Every Justin Bieber Concert: I know I was wondering whether or not you’re still obsessing over JB, but let’s be real here you’re still seeing him in concert every chance you get! He’s a talented guy, I just don’t understand why so many people find him annoying. Now the real question is, how you are going to meet him?

So, there you go future self. You’re probably reading this with the biggest smile on your face because in deed everything worked out! I know it’s easier said than done, but current you can stop being so anxious about the future.

Now I would like to hear from you, what advice would you give your future self? Don’t forget to post your advice in the comment section below.

6 thoughts on “Dear Future Self

  1. I absolutely love this article! So many people spend their lives looking back and wishing they could change things that happened or decisions they have made. People need to look forward and know they can do so many great things no matter what’s behind them. I also agree wholeheartedly with the traveling section!

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