The Need For History

Anthony L. Hamilton

I have been paying really close attention to the things that are going on, not just in the United States, but all over the world recently, and in my eyes, the 1960s are repeating right now.

In the 1960s we were involved in a war we couldn’t win called Vietnam. This war ruined the lives of countless American military personnel, and frankly it was a war that we should have never become involved in.

Fast forward to the present, President Obama has his own Vietnam to deal with, and we are involved some missions that we shouldn’t be involved in.

We are dealing with people who have no conscience, and will do almost anything for the sake of trying to dispel Democracy.

The sad thing is that a lot of these terrorists were actually trained by our military supposedly enabling them to fight other groups in their regions, yet they continue to turn on us, and people seem to have no idea why we have trouble defeating them on the battlefield.

My problem with the whole thing is that those people have been fighting since Biblical times, so how does anyone think they’re going to react when we go on their soil and try to force our way of life on them? I don’t by any means condone what they do, but how does any person feel when someone else tries to force their way of living on them? You will constantly get rebellion.

I am a retired military member, and there are two blatant mistakes being made that are going to make war increasingly difficult to win. The first is the fact that the media has too much access to military operations. Every time a news anchor on location signs on and tells where they are, not only are they telling the American people, but they are also tipping off the enemy. This began towards the end of my career, and at that point, the writing was on the wall.

America has also shifted too much towards relying on technology instead of manpower to try and win wars. In the process, military numbers have shrunk to the point that soon it will be impossible to protect home, and fight war abroad, and as far as using technological warfare, the Chinese have shown they are superior in this area. Should we ever enter a war against them (as I personally believe), not only will we be outnumbered, but most technology comes from China, so they know just how to “run interference” and make sure your weaponry is not functioning properly.

I believe (and this is strictly my opinion) that China is watching and waiting for that time when our enemies get our military forces spread too thin to protect our borders, and they will do what they’re going to do. (Those of us who are Christians, if you read Revelations, it speaks to this happening.)

Back in the 1980s a treaty was signed that was meant to cut down on the nuclear arsenal of Russia, and the United States. Now China has ballistic missile submarines, and Russia is building a new class of that type of submarines, and both have the capability of dropping a nuclear warhead on the United States.

I had a young man on Facebook during a discussion ask how knowing history would help us move forward. To him, I replied that knowing history helps to keep history from repeating itself. So I close with this question: when history is allowed to repeat itself, you have old problems rearing their (sometimes) ugly head, and then you have to solve them. At that point, are you really moving forward?

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