Honors Colloquium Series

As part of the Honors College here at Texas A&M University- Texarkana(TAMUT) honor students are required to participate in the co-curricular colloquium series. Students are paired with faculty across disciplines. The series is held several times throughout the semester allowing students the opportunity to present their research. Earlier this week, honors student Camille Janes from the nursing program and the Dean of the Nursing Program Dr. Heather McKnight presented her research findings on Medically tailored meals for diabetics.

Knowing people with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, Camille was interested in how she could help improve their lives. With eating habits being the main focus for diabetes control, Camille went into detail about the different dietary meals that showed some improvement when it came to lowering blood sugar levels. Some of those meals are low carb high protein, mediterranean and plant based meals.

Camille is a second semester nursing student at TAMUT and spent the last year working on her honors project.

The Honors program at TAMUT “offers motivated undergraduate students a unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge in their fields.” One of the requirements for the honors program is a GPA of 3.5. But don’t worry, you can still apply for the program by filling out the application.

Student SpotLight: Brandi Brown

After moving from Louisiana to Texas after Hurricane Katrina, Brandi Brown’s father fell in love with Church on The Rock. Now, 19 years later, Brandi runs the Church’s social media page while attending TAMUT. 

“When I was a young adult, I just went and did my own. I was in the streets living life like consequences didn’t exist. Then one day I looked at my daughter and asked myself, “Am I living a lifestyle she would be proud of?” Brown said after talking about how long she has been attending church. 

After shifting her life to better focus on becoming a role model to her daughter, Brandi attended school at Texarkana College and graduating with a degree in Behavioral Science she decided to attend A&M. After losing her job and having to take a break from school Brandi found interest in graphic design  and enrolled to get her degree in Mass Communications. Brandi does the sound for Church on The Rock, while also helping with the youth ministry online learning courses. She is also getting ready to take on the role as a leader for the Young Adult Small Group at the church. 

Brandi has hopes of someday moving to Austin Texas where she feels she will be around the influences she needs to move further in her career. Brandi said “Ultimately, at the end of it all, I want to create my own  bible based curriculum for homeschooling, and churches that have co-ops with homeschooling.”