Insatiable follows the story of Patty Bladell, played by Debby Ryan, as she gets revenge on those who mocked her for being overweight. After a violent altercation with a homeless man, Patty spends her summer vacation in the hospital consuming a liquid diet. After Patty recovers, and now thin as a result of her hospital day, she meets lawyer and disgraced pageant coach Bob Armstrong. Bob takes Patty under his wing and introduces her to the world of pageants.
What follows is a season full of revenge, deceit, and betrayal by every single character on the show. Although Patty more often than not is a catalyst and throws fuel on whatever fire is happening, her neighbors, classmates, and friends need no help to be conniving when their sites on set on a goal.
Each episode of Insatiable features revenge that pushes that bar just a bit further than the last, all culminating in a very surprising ending. For all the drama that fills each episodes approximately 40 minute runtime, the show’s writers seem “in on the joke.” Insatiable effortlessly alternates between what sometimes feels like overdramatic plotlines and comedic scenes in a way that leaves the viewer wanting more after the credits roll. After the 12th episode and season finale is rolling credits, fans won’t have to wait long for a new season. Netflix is premiering season 2 of Insatiable next week on October 11.
Peaky Blinders
Peaky Blinders is a five season British crime drama originally released in 2013. Set in Britain post World War I, the show follows Tommy Shelby in his efforts to raise his family’s status from two-bit criminals to a feared, highly successful criminal enterprise.
Fans of Boardwalk Empire will feel right at home with Peaky Blinders. The show features a mix of action, character developments, cliff-hangers, and intrigue. It’s also important to note that the show is extremely graphic in both language and violence, with portrayals of sexual assault, along with copious drug use. Some viewers should stay away.
Netflix users won’t have to wait long to catch the newest season of Peaky Blinders, the show releases on platform this week on Friday, October 4th.
You can watch the season five trailer for the show below: