Review: Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)

Eight years after the critically acclaimed Red Dead Redemption in 2010, comes its long awaited sequel, Red Dead Redemption (2018). The previous game told the story of former gang member John Marston, but this time the lead role goes to another member, Arthur Morgan. In fact, the game is not a sequel at all despite the title. It is a prequel telling the story of the Van Der Linde Gang in its last years of vitality during the ending of the Old Frontier.

Rob Nelson, co-studio head of Rockstar North, says “There was a lot of history set up in the last about Marston’s former gang and the character of Dutch and what he was all about. And so that was something that we really thought about that we could explore and juxtapose this idea of this partially reformed outlaw in the last game to being an active, working outlaw living with a gang in the next gang.”

The premise of RDR2 (its shortened acronym) tells of Arthur, one of the most versatile gang members in the Van Der Linde Gang, with Dutch as leader and Arthur’s fatherly figure. While the wild country advances through civilization, the gang is forced to run around the states to survive after a failed robbery. But as the law becomes more formulated, the gang also slowly deteriorates from the inside. Arthur must decide from then whether to continue with Dutch’s futile attempts to create a “savage utopia’ for themselves or to think for himself and others.

This game has long since its release become my favorite video game of all time. My favorite aspect is the hidden dialogues you can find around the camps in each chapter. It gives more immersion into the story involving the characters’ current situation, relationships with others, and backstories. The game’s open world itself is based on the sandbox concept. Meaning whatever choices in play-ability in you make, there are my changes integrated into the story-line and sometimes the games’ side content. Specifically, the “honor” system is the main component that drives the storytelling changes. Arthur can be a man who is more caring towards his friends, townsfolk, and passersby or a vengeful criminal who cares only for his own ambitions. Personally, the high honor route would seem fitting as it ties to the game’s theme of redemption.

Because of the game’s historical attributes and impactful storytelling, it would be a thrill for any gamer to enjoy.


Romano, Nick. (2018) October 22. Entertainment Weekly.

100 days until Graduation: Money Management post-graduation

Graduation 2022 is coming upon us this winter as our seniors get prepared with caps, gowns, and more. I am one of the several students that will graduate this year. Many seniors will have a lot of plans. However, they may not know the importance of keeping finances in check. Otherwise, the future will likely promise slim chances of sustaining aspiring careers besides the increases of life’s calamities. That is why this ongoing event will provide insight and support towards life after graduation.

The 100 days until graduation event involves a social meeting between graduates of two semesters and the host, Dr. Juan R. Castro. Dr. Castro is the executive director of the CBET. The meeting shows us how to correctly manage money after graduation along with supporting details to aid us with this new pursuit.

Here are the 4 main tactics for currency management in the most secure and beneficial ways:

  1. Building a Positive Net Worth
  2. Emergency Fund
  3. Control and save the expenses
  4. Learn to Invest’

Net worth is the total amount for an individual and such, with reporting of assets and liabilities included. Liabilities are what you owe from your properties or assets. In turn, the knowledge of what you have and owe makes out the budget, describing the possible net worth. One aid to prevent any disastrous outcomes is too not buy expensive goods like glamorous cars. Having this kind of luxury will guarantee in owing much more than its base price. We would not go far with other financial goals if buying an expensive car is a part of the plan. It may sound depressing, but it is much better to be stable than regretful with that irresistible mistake.

If any disasters occur even if the finances are efficiently managed, be prepared with emergency funds. With those funds, there is coverage for any damages such as job loss, sudden health expenditures, and replacing household necessities. Plus, it further supports financial security and stability.

A quote to recall from the event: “Remember, the poor is not the one who has little, but the one who needs a lot.” Regarding sustainability of money, poor is the one who spends more of their income. If anyone is not in control of their debt or their spending, this error will run your life. It is best to focus on the expenditures while overseeing how much is spent.

It is important to build an investment. There are four common misconceptions and mistakes that will trample stability if a young graduate is careless.

  1. It is easy for a prime adult to ponder about retirement near the end of their careers. But withholding the idea for that long period is likely to stop the contentment of maintaining the lifestyle when reaching senior age. Instead, they need to think about retirement while they are still working, even if it sounds too early. 2. There should be a plan for investment. Otherwise investing is just a fleeting thought. 3.When a graduate begins the plan, start gradually to attain knowledge so the process is proper. It is advised not to jump into the plan without learning anything. 4. Lastly, pay attention to retirement accounts while working your career. Ignoring them is another determent in the retirement plan.

Those are the most integral points that I wanted to discuss from the lecture. All of this may seem a lot to take in yet learning how to use your money along with managing it is more than helpful when going out into the world after graduation.

Veterans Service Center wins Education Excellence Award in 2022

Recently, Texas A & M University-Texarkana has received the Education Excellence Award granted by the Texas Veterans Commission. For this university, the award is for outstanding services provided by the Veterans Services Center. State Governor Greg Abbott selected 17 institutions to obtain the achievement. The award is based on the extent of the providing aids and services while also assorted on three rankings. The University managed to receive the silver rank of the award in 2022.

The Texas Veterans Commission has provided service and advocation to the veterans of the state to improve their lives. It also performs as the State Approving Authority under the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs’ jurisdiction. SSA verifies that educational foundations and its employers agree with federal guidelines and are certified for teaching through a process.

Robert Hernandez oversees the Veterans Center at the University. He is a veteran from the United States Air Force for 30 years. Like his fellow employees, Hernandez strives to make sure a veteran and their peers get the best support for their education.

Young militants struggle to get themselves into a normal stature after serving their time supporting the country. Even veterans’ families had to contribute to the military efforts. Therefore, the transition from the military and into education can be difficult.

            The Center’s jobs range from assisting the veterans to transition from the military and into the campus. Robert Hernandez has said “In the Veteran Services Center, we try our best to give back to those that gave so much for our nation”. Even if these students do not come daily all the time, the service job is always on the watch for them. From admissions to graduation, the Veteran’s center will make sure that militant students are able to get the best experience while acquiring education.

             The Veteran Service Center motto, “Let us serve you” shows appreciation to the students along with perseverance to aid them. Plus, it adds to the willingness of using the most needed resources for the student’s guidance through university livelihood. The Silver Award in Education Excellence is undeniable proof that the Center and its people do their jobs at their very best.

An Insight into Software Engineering

Cadarius Williams is a senior at Texas A & M University-Texarkana who aspires to be a Software Engineer. Beforehand, he will study to gain interview experience and build connections for his career in computer science. The experiences for him at the University are content because the campus holds decent infrastructure along with more connection between the faculty and students than some universities. As Cadarius says, “You are not just a number, you are a name.”

Software Engineering involves building functional operating systems for technical devices such as laptops and cellphones. The evolution of this occupation has come a long way. The ideas of this profession started with the invention of massively scaled computers. After a long measure of time,designs expanded into advanced systems now accessible as small handheld devices. Furthermore, the progression of time has allowed ideas that were limited in the past to advance with extensive inspection and development of application frameworks.

In further discussion, technology such as robotics and Artificial Intelligence must be examined in simulation before further progress. Without the human effort or observation of technology such as A.I., the newest systems will not perform correctly. Because of Williams’ determination to be a software engineer, advanced technology is further acclaimed. It is astonishing that more students like him will manage applications in addition to creating them in the future.

New Light on Leukemia

There have been cases of cancer throughout recent years, many incurable. One of these diseases is leukemia, a dreaded cancer of which there was no hope for a cure. Many elderly people died from this cancer which deeply saddened their loved ones. However, recent research suggests that eventually scientists could develop a cure for leukemia before it undergoes a more aggressive form.Image result for leukemia microorganims

Leukemia is a disorder in which the blood cells and bone marrow accumulate at unstable levels through the lymphatic system. Sometimes a person’s diagnosis for leukemia may not be accurate. No matter the case, it cannot be cured even if a patient goes through chemotherapy. The therapy does work for some patients, but it only regulates symptoms for others.

Yet on January 29, 2019, the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research Drug Discovery program discovered a brand-new type of therapy that may treat leukemia. In tests, the protein MLL-1 binds with another called WDR5 causing leukemia. Researchers now plan to disrupt this process so that stopping the cancer is a possibility. This development soon led the Celgene Corporation to make a large investment to ensure further research and innovations for preclinical trials. Since then, there have been many collaborations to make this cure a reality.

For information on leukemia symptoms-click here

And for more information on leukemia cure development here

The Robots are Walking!

Technology is constantly changing, and soon, even how we write will not be the same. But change can be a good thing if it is gradual. And it will not be like certain robot takeover movies. That’s right, robots! This is a great thing if our crazy imaginations do not intervene.

Robotics is one of the greatest innovations in science and technology. There are current observations on robots where scientists study their logistics to better aid them when performing aggressive tasks. Unfortunately, robots might be better than us, yet they need our supervision to function properly.

Boston Dynamics is one of the leading companies in the robotics industry. The developers there have created many robots with impressive functions. One is called Spot which is built similar to a dog. A video has two Spots thinking to each about how to open a door. One of them eventually opens the door so the other Spot goes out along with the other.

Another robot is called Atlas. It’s designed to have motor functions like a human. Another incredible video shows him jumping onto and over every obstacle. He falls over in the end but for comedic attribute. Atlas is still operational to this day. Dynamics have also made another version where he can go outside through any type of environment.

In recent times, an achievement of Boston Dynamics happened to be 10 spots pull a large truck. This has become very shocking to the people due to the success of these robotic dogs performing a miraculous task.

Who knows what will happen next?!

All the world is changing, for better and worse. Old technology may soon be gone, but the new technology can make impossible dreams a reality, especially robots.

Fun Boston Dynamics YouTube Links:

For information on Boston Dynamics click here: