All the way turned down

Ti’Ana Marshall

Flashing lights. Booming music and glow sticks. Though the ingredients for an ultimate party were all there, what was supposed to be a great time—was not so awesome. So what happened?

It is said that failing is a part of success. The question is, how to make a party on campus successful?

The plans were in the works. Phi Lambda Chi, the male fraternity on campus, alongside Omega Delta Chi, one of the sororities on campus, hashed out a master plan to create a fun outing for students.

The team created what seemed to be the college dream, coming up with the bait necessary to hook any college student — free food, loud music, and an excuse to paint their face without judgement. With an entry fee per student (though discounted for Greeks) it was thought to turn out a large number; however, as soon as the crowd grew, it slowly faded away.

College parties are not a new phenomenon. In fact the parties are the part of college that most high school hopefuls look forward to the most (outside of the education part, of course—and ok, the freedom!). These parties always include one key factor however, which is the “juice” known as alcohol. Unfortunately, alcohol is the key to many college parties, as well as location.

Although many campuses have parties for the students, these turn-ups are rarely held on the campus. This does not go to say that the parties are necessarily unsafe. From experience, they tend to have heavy security.

Of course a party on campus would not permit alcohol, but even without it the location may not have been ideal. Advertised to be held in Eagle Hall, it does not really scream “fun”.

The question remains—how to make an on campus party a go-to event? Maybe the answer is that you don’t. An off campus party spot is necessary, but it does not mean that there has to be alcohol there. Why?

Because students go to school and other events in that very hall, having a party there sounds like just another school event. Fun can be had and parties can be successes. Live learn and Party on.

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