Talladega Superspeedway

Leslie Arietta

Ladies and gentlemen start your engines! The crowd is loud and the race is about to begin. Grab a seat and watch the show because we have 200 laps to go!

November 13th on our way home from Georgia our women’s Eagles soccer team bus took a detour in Lincoln, Alabama. “What could possibly be in the small city of Lincoln, AL?” was my exact thought. The bus pulled up to the Talladega Superspeedway. The view from the bus was jaw dropping. The speedway was huge and made me feel like I was an ant next to a human.

At the Talladega Superspeedway they charge an eight dollar tour on the track, a twelve dollar museum/hall of fame tour or sixteen dollars for both. I was fortunate enough to do the tour on the track.

We got on the tour van and we began going through the north tunnel of the race track. The same tunnel the motor homes and race cars come through. As we were going around the track the tour guide was presenting fun facts about the Talladega Superspeedway. The maximum speed is 200 mph on the race track. As we go around the track we pass four of the turns that are 4 stories tall. The average speed to stay on the turn is 90 mph if not then gravity will kick in. In the middle of the race tracks is a grass field and that is where the overnight campers can stay for the race. As we cross the finish line to the left was Gatorade Victory Lane, which is the area where the winner of the race stands.

Spending eight dollars for the tour around the Talladega Superspeedway was a once in a lifetime experience for me. Being a girl from California I have been blessed to explore many states since I have been in Texas. If you are ever in Alabama I would suggest making a pit stop at the Talladega Superspeedway.


Talladega Superspeedway-Lincoln, Alabama

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