Hoverboards are Exploding

TiAna Marshall

We all saw it coming: The day when walking would be a thing of the past, adding to the already lazy reputation of United States citizens. We agreed that it would be fun and even convenient to glide from place to place rather than put in effort to walk. While some thought it might lead to an increase in the obesity problem in America, others thought it would just be a cool thing to have. As we thought over the possible problems that would come from hovering instead of walking, someone invented it. What we failed to see, was the possibility of technology telling us to stop being so lazy.

Hoverboards have been sought after for ages. They have been an item associated with the future for a while now, and they are finally here. These futuristic modes of transportation can be bought online and range anywhere from $30.00 to $400.00, but they may be hardly worth it.

According to several reports, hoverboards have been spontaneously bursting into flames. Thursday afternoon, NowThis, an online newsboard covered a story of a man’s hoverboard that burst into flames only seconds before he mounted it.

Why is this occurring? Well, the material which hoverboards are made out of is very cheap, and when they are charged they are more likely to overheat. The overheating of the device causes the explosions. The case is only one out of the several boards that have reportedly burst into flames for the same reasons.

Consumers are warned to carefully watch their boards as they are charging or to just not buy them at all.

Some ideas may just be better off left in the future.

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