Streaming the Best of 2019!

Just recently, Spotify announced many awesome things to its users, to notify them about their top artists, their top track of the year, and their artist of the decade for the year of 2019. Spotify also announced users, top 5 songs of the year, top 5 artists of the year, and even made a presentation that was customized to user’s app experience.

 Spotify is a digital music, podcast, and video streaming service that gives its users access to millions of songs and other content from artists all over the world. It was really interesting to see users from all over the world excited to share what their top music choices were. Users were tagging their favorite artists all over social media and some of the artists were even posting their fans online! 

Spotify announcing it’s users their 2019 wrapped

Spotify announced content like this every year for its users, but with new technologies and interfaces, they way it’s presented gets better and better.

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