Going Greek while Getting through COVID

The University Center is unusually quiet this September. The grey tile is missing the echo of young adult voices as organizations attempt to recruit for the semester. The tables normally decorated with bright table cloths, glittering awards and photos from the past are now surrounded with PVC and clear plastic curtains with a single representative behind the table. This is part of the “new normal” caused by COVID-19 that student leaders, like Omega Delta Chi President, Taylor Atkins have to accept.

“I go into the cafeteria now and there’s not tons of people talking and having a good time. It’s sad to see,” Atkins said. “TAMU-T’s main appeal was always the campus involvement you got.”

While the lack of involvement on campus is discomforting to returning students, the University staff noticed too, and asked Atkins and other leaders to join the student panel of the COVID-19 Task Force. This allows the students to meet with staff and faculty to gain different insights to the “Student Life” means in the era of COVID-19.

“I’m hopeful,” Atkins said. “I know all student leaders are working their butts off to try to build something we had last year and the year before that.”

Organizations on campus have turned to using Zoom, Google Forms, GroupMe and Doodle Polls to make up for lost events and meetings. Greek recruitment was held through a series of Zoom meetings in 30 minute intervals.

“It was always awkward, there was always a wall up, but the more that we had them the more comfortable the girls got talking to us,” said Atkins. “I feel like it was really successful because the girls that really wanted it stuck through it.”

For more information about campus life with COVID-19 guidelines click here.

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