Empowering black voters

African-Americans in the United States have consistently fought for the right to vote since the foundation of this nation. A journey of hardships that entailed racism, slavery, and legislation compiled to inhibit black voters. After the passing of the 15th and 19th Amendments, states used tactics including intimidation, poll tax, and literacy tests to make it difficult for black voters to cast a ballot. Yet years after the civil rights era, the fight continues to empower black voters. Black Voters Matter (BVM) is an organization whose purpose is to increase power and effective voting in marginalized, predominately black communities. BVM kicked off the first leg of their East Texas tour at the University of Texas A&M- Texarkana (TAMUT) to inform, encourage, and register voters. 

 On October 22, 2021, BVM hosted an event in the Patterson Student Center from 10-1 pm. Dionna La’Fay, Texas State Coordinator for BVM said, “We are traveling through East Texas with the purpose of listening to the issues plaguing the community, reminding folks about early voting.” TAMUT partnering with BVM provides the opportunity to educate those who are uninformed about the importance of voting.“ The rural parts of Texas, specifically East Texas, rarely receive attention or support that’s necessary for progress, It’s important for folks to feel seen and heard,” La’Fay says. 

In any election, young voters are a crucial part.  Oftentimes, they are misrepresented or unheard. “Our organization understands the importance of encouraging, educating, and mobilizing young people of color,” La’Fay says. Informing and encouraging young voters can shift any election significantly. Providing ways to encourage La’Fay said, “ We will be registering voters, handing out voter guides, giving out early voting reminds, and sharing free giveaways.”

This opportunity has allowed TAMUT students of color the chance to be seen and heard. Reflecting on the goals of the event La’Fay said, “ Our goals are to give folks a chance to share their story through our community survey, register votes, spread early voting reminds, and identify students who are interested in partnering with us.” Not only at TAMUT, but across the nation, BVM is equipping black voters with the tools to make a difference. 

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