Energy Drinks Ranked:

Sometimes coffee is just not enough. Sometimes you need a little something extra in order to finish that final that is due in a few hours. Energy drinks. They are the drinks that will help you solve only some of your problems. 

I am a big energy drink person. I drink them at least three times a week, or more. With that being said I am aware that they can cause major health problems, but I like to think that I monitor my intake very well. Over time, I have tried a variety of different energy drinks of which I have my favorite, the ones that I hate, or the ones I simply avoid. These are only some of the drinks that I have tried throughout my life and I have ranked them from worst to best. 


I have only had this drink once, and I did not enjoy it at all. I tried it a long time ago and don’t remember what flavor I had, but I remember it being too sweet for my liking. I also felt like the drink really did bang me in the stomach because I did not feel good after drinking only about a fourth of it. Overall it was just a bad experience that I would not want to relive ever again.  0 out of 5. 


This is a drink that I do not have that often nor do I know many of the flavors. However, from the ones that I have tried, I fairly enjoyed them. It is not ranked higher because I don’t drink it as often as the others, and it is also one that I don’t tend to see much of. It is good, but not very memorable.  2 out of 5. 


Monster is in the middle because of the number of flavors that it has. While I am not a big fan of the classic green flavor, I am a fan of some of their other flavors such as the White Zero Ultra and their Juice flavors, Papillon and Mango Loco. Having lots of flavors is a good thing and a bad thing. It is a good thing because I get bored of drinking the same thing all of the time, but it is bad because I have no money and there are too many flavors. 3 out of 5. 

Alani NU

Alani NU is a drink that I recently discovered, and I was pretty shocked to see the number of flavors that the brand has. I was even more surprised to realize that I enjoyed almost every flavor; keyword almost. While flavors like Cosmic Stardust and Breezeberry have become my favorites of mine, other flavors like Cherry Slush and Blue Slush are a bit too sweet for my liking. 4 out of 5. 


This is my favorite. I don’t have a specific reason, I just love it. This is my go-to drink when I am extra sleep-deprived, which is very often, and I think that it does not try to overwhelm you with the number of flavors. I love the classic Redbull, but the watermelon and peach editions are a good way to add flavor. This is a drink that is either loved or hated, and I love it. 5 out of 5. 

All of these drinks affect people differently, so it is important to be aware that just because one does not affect you that does not mean that the others will not. I do not recommend drinking more than one a day, nor do I recommend drinking them before, or after, any other overly caffeinated drinks. This is also my personal opinion. Drink at your own risk, and remember to drink water.

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