Communication is Key: New Hire for the English Department!

Dr. Lancaster is a new hire at Texas A&M University- Texarkana. This semester he currently teaches English 1301 and English 1302 first-level English classes as well as Integrated Reading and Writing. Dr. Lancaster says “His hope is to position his [students] to succeed” no matter what level of writer they are. He says teaching is about  “…knowing their potential and helping them activate their writing skills to further their writing.”

Dr. Lancaster has taught English to a variety of students ranging from elementary school to higher education learning. He believes no matter what age, with proper help, you can achieve your goal of writing. Stating, “I like to create good writers…no matter what level you start, you can improve.” 

His background is literature, but he says “It’s not just reading and writing, but also speaking and listening.” Which in his eyes falls under the broad umbrella of communication. He said, “Whether we realize it [or not] somebody influenced the way we read and write.” He said he realized that in K-12 our education back then was focused on structured writing for certain standardized testing and “writing according to a form” and how that is so much different from what you learn coming into a University. 

Being a great teacher and mentor over the years has gained Dr. Lancaster not only experience but also the lasting effect he has had on his students. He said when one of his students first reached out to him, “[He was very surprised at the effect a teacher could have on a student.” From then on have had several other students reach out to him. Dr. Lancaster had so many positive things to say about the staff and university but overall he says he is  “very happy to be here” and Texas A&M University- Texarkana is happy to have him.

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