Paul Goodchild : New Professor On the Block

Professor Paul Goodchild is a new assistant professor in the accounting department here on campus. Meeting him was a real treat that allowed some insight on both the life of a professor, along with someone who cares deeply about student concerns and needs. Paul hails from Massachusetts where he grew up and attended UMass. Before deciding on coming to Texas A&M University-Texarkana (TAMUT), he worked at a few other universities like USC-Aiken, Quinnipiac University, and UCM.

Paul has only been working for TAMUT since July and some of his favorite things about the campus is the fact that it is alive and growing. He really enjoys student engagement and hopes that the way things are going, student engagement and attendance can boom and benefit the surrounding community.

Mr. Goodchild is an assistant professor and wants to help the student population with his skills. The Volunteer Income Tax Association or VITA is a program that Paul would like to get started and grow an interest in to help students who do not know how to file taxes. This program works alongside the IRS and allows students to get taxes done or help those in the community file taxes that have an income of $64,000 or lower. If any students or faculty members are interested in joining or learning more, please email him for information. His email can be found in the school directory located here.

But Paul is not all work and no play, he has some interesting hobbies alongside his work life. He is an avid dirt bike rider and enjoys tinkering and repairing any small motors that come with the hobby. This can all be found on a YouTube channel that features all the places he rides and even includes some input on the surrounding area in case one is interested in visiting. His channel can be found here.

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