Decision America Tour 2016

“America is at a crossroads, and I believe we should take every opportunity to stand up for the things of God and His Word.” –Franklin Graham

April 12th at 7 a.m., I forced myself out of bed to go sit on a van for 3 and half hours as the only college student amongst 100 other members of First Baptist Texarkana. The destination? Little Rock Arkansas. At 11:30 a.m. my grandma and I managed to weasel our way to the front row in a crowd of over 5,000 people gathered on the steps and lawn of the Arkansas State Capitol. Why? To hear Franklin Graham, speak, and to gather with other Christians and pray for our Nation.

Franklin Graham is a Christian evangelist and missionary from North Carolina. He plans on traveling to all 50 states in 2016 to host prayer rallies. His purpose? To encourage Christians to live out their faith, even within the political realm. His challenge was to live out your faith at home, in public, and at the ballot box.

Before we prayed, he gave a message over Nehemiah 1. He used the crumbling walls in this chapter as a metaphor for our Nation. Everything I took from this follows. Just like the walls of protection crumbled in Nehemiah 1, so our walls as a Nation are crumbling. We as Christians should not withdraw from politics, rather, we should influence and be a part of it. Too many teachers and political figures today are more concerned with political correctness than God’s truth. To truly be One Nation Under God we have to stand for truth. It starts locally. With you. From school board members, to mayor, to President. Every elected office matters. Let’s bring Christ back into our government.

It is important you know he and his team are not by any means supporting a single candidate or party. He emphasized that the only hope for our country is to pray about whom we are to vote for. He feels “this may be the most important election in the history of our Nation.” After the rally was over, he encouraged us to sign an electronic pledge that said we would pray for our state and country.

For more information on Franklin Graham, or Decision America and how you can be an influence in your community, click the links below!

Pray. Vote. Engage.