The highly anticipated sequel to the Action Shooter series released on September 9th, 2014 and helmed by original Halo developer Bungie Studios, Destiny 2 has released worldwide (September 6th) to PS4 and Xbox One consoles and will release on PC October 24th.
Continuing a three-year long series set in a not-so-distant future wherein humans have accelerated their civilization’s expansion with the aid of an otherworldly planet-size being known as the Traveler, players take on the role of a Guardian, champion of the Traveler and all civilization within its Light. After an attack on the Traveler and the last bastions of humanity by the Cabal, hostile alien occupants of Mars, players must defeat the Cabal army now occupying Earth, freeing the Traveler and taking back their home.
Losing what has been home for fans of Destiny is not lost on them and is a deliberate choice for Bungie – while the games predecessor had a historically rocky launch and post game history, in effect restructuring what was in the game’s early years called a ’10 year plan’, Destiny 2 aims to expand on the goals of the original. It’s packing more story, content and gear than the first game at launch and to continue delivering enjoyable, cooperative content for players for many years to come.
Players can progress through the games campaign alone or with two friends, take part in instanced Strike content and partake in overworld content in the games new Patrol areas in areas such as the European Dead Zone (EDZ) of Earth and Titan, a moon of Saturn. Participating in any of this content, as well as the game’s player versus player (PVP) game types, awards the player gear such as weapons and armor, any of which can be unique Exotic items carrying unique perks. As before, players accumulate stronger gear and weaponry for harder content in the game’s endgame, such as the six player Raid or upcoming DLC content such as the upcoming Curse of Osiris expansion.
Early impressions and in-progress reviews of the game show a favorable reception, with commentary that the time Bungie put into this sequel to the original was not in vain – the experience feels fresh and wholly rewarding. However, time will tell if the appeal holds as it should into the many, many months ahead for fans of the series.
Destiny 2 is out now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles for $59.99, will be available on PC on October 24th and is available at any major retailer or online through the consoles’ respective digital marketplaces.