Veterans Service Center wins Education Excellence Award in 2022

Recently, Texas A & M University-Texarkana has received the Education Excellence Award granted by the Texas Veterans Commission. For this university, the award is for outstanding services provided by the Veterans Services Center. State Governor Greg Abbott selected 17 institutions to obtain the achievement. The award is based on the extent of the providing aids and services while also assorted on three rankings. The University managed to receive the silver rank of the award in 2022.

The Texas Veterans Commission has provided service and advocation to the veterans of the state to improve their lives. It also performs as the State Approving Authority under the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs’ jurisdiction. SSA verifies that educational foundations and its employers agree with federal guidelines and are certified for teaching through a process.

Robert Hernandez oversees the Veterans Center at the University. He is a veteran from the United States Air Force for 30 years. Like his fellow employees, Hernandez strives to make sure a veteran and their peers get the best support for their education.

Young militants struggle to get themselves into a normal stature after serving their time supporting the country. Even veterans’ families had to contribute to the military efforts. Therefore, the transition from the military and into education can be difficult.

            The Center’s jobs range from assisting the veterans to transition from the military and into the campus. Robert Hernandez has said “In the Veteran Services Center, we try our best to give back to those that gave so much for our nation”. Even if these students do not come daily all the time, the service job is always on the watch for them. From admissions to graduation, the Veteran’s center will make sure that militant students are able to get the best experience while acquiring education.

             The Veteran Service Center motto, “Let us serve you” shows appreciation to the students along with perseverance to aid them. Plus, it adds to the willingness of using the most needed resources for the student’s guidance through university livelihood. The Silver Award in Education Excellence is undeniable proof that the Center and its people do their jobs at their very best.

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