100 days until Graduation: Money Management post-graduation

Graduation 2022 is coming upon us this winter as our seniors get prepared with caps, gowns, and more. I am one of the several students that will graduate this year. Many seniors will have a lot of plans. However, they may not know the importance of keeping finances in check. Otherwise, the future will likely promise slim chances of sustaining aspiring careers besides the increases of life’s calamities. That is why this ongoing event will provide insight and support towards life after graduation.

The 100 days until graduation event involves a social meeting between graduates of two semesters and the host, Dr. Juan R. Castro. Dr. Castro is the executive director of the CBET. The meeting shows us how to correctly manage money after graduation along with supporting details to aid us with this new pursuit.

Here are the 4 main tactics for currency management in the most secure and beneficial ways:

  1. Building a Positive Net Worth
  2. Emergency Fund
  3. Control and save the expenses
  4. Learn to Invest’

Net worth is the total amount for an individual and such, with reporting of assets and liabilities included. Liabilities are what you owe from your properties or assets. In turn, the knowledge of what you have and owe makes out the budget, describing the possible net worth. One aid to prevent any disastrous outcomes is too not buy expensive goods like glamorous cars. Having this kind of luxury will guarantee in owing much more than its base price. We would not go far with other financial goals if buying an expensive car is a part of the plan. It may sound depressing, but it is much better to be stable than regretful with that irresistible mistake.

If any disasters occur even if the finances are efficiently managed, be prepared with emergency funds. With those funds, there is coverage for any damages such as job loss, sudden health expenditures, and replacing household necessities. Plus, it further supports financial security and stability.

A quote to recall from the event: “Remember, the poor is not the one who has little, but the one who needs a lot.” Regarding sustainability of money, poor is the one who spends more of their income. If anyone is not in control of their debt or their spending, this error will run your life. It is best to focus on the expenditures while overseeing how much is spent.

It is important to build an investment. There are four common misconceptions and mistakes that will trample stability if a young graduate is careless.

  1. It is easy for a prime adult to ponder about retirement near the end of their careers. But withholding the idea for that long period is likely to stop the contentment of maintaining the lifestyle when reaching senior age. Instead, they need to think about retirement while they are still working, even if it sounds too early. 2. There should be a plan for investment. Otherwise investing is just a fleeting thought. 3.When a graduate begins the plan, start gradually to attain knowledge so the process is proper. It is advised not to jump into the plan without learning anything. 4. Lastly, pay attention to retirement accounts while working your career. Ignoring them is another determent in the retirement plan.

Those are the most integral points that I wanted to discuss from the lecture. All of this may seem a lot to take in yet learning how to use your money along with managing it is more than helpful when going out into the world after graduation.

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